
Share participated in a round table Pilot Review discussion over at TV Fanatic after the pilot aired on Tuesday. here’s some of the discussion, be sure to click through via the link below to read the whole thing.

Which Agent do you want to learn more about the most and why?

Jim: I’m most curious about Skye and her apparent lack of last name. I realize she removed herself from all the government databases, but how does she have a cell phone or debit card without a last name? Color me curious.

Christine: Coulson, if for no other reason than Clark Gregg is completely awesome. But I want to know how he got Lola (who I loved even without the hovercraft capabilities), where he goes home to, and what really happened to him in “Tahiti.”

Ellyssa: Agent May clearly has a significant back story. We see how hard core she is, how skilled not only as a pilot but also as a fighter. It takes something enormous and out of the ordinary for someone with that level of training to want work as a paper-pusher rather than being in the thick of action out in the field.

Kate: Honestly, I am intrigued by all characters. It’s too early for me to tell what character exactly I want to know more about but I can see myself being a huge fan of Fitz and Simmons.

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