Miss the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. cast live tweeting last night’s episode 2×04 "Face my Enemy"? Catch up below…
We’ll have to wait and see….RT @catalinaP19: @simonkass can you leave jemma simmons out of the "brainwasher" ??
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
this is very fancy!RT @GeoffreyColo: @simonkass@dspilatro Tweeting in style in our fancy post production screening room #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Oh, it’s on RT @mattschaak: I’m very ready for @clarkgregg to light up my feed with #AgentsofSHIELD goodness. You ready, Coulson!?
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
#Bakshi says you MUST comply! RT @lmcdirector: @simonkass@GeoffreyColo Cant wait to see the episode and read the tweets#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
The rabbit is in the hutch! Just sayin #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Yep, Ming’s got the Bling! May’s got Coulson as eye candy! #AgentsofSHIELD#silverdress
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
#HenrySimmons is just….100% man. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Nuclear cufflinks (Oops) RT @ShieldTVFans: This is fun. Isn’t this fun? Look, cufflinks! @clarkgregg@MingNa#AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
#AgentsofSHIELD Agent May I have my eyeballs back now? Wowza! @MingNa
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
@clarkgregg wears a suit VERY well #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@MingNa – your laugh? The best. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@FilmFoodieOzzy@MingNa Watch for a cameo from Agent DWade (I wish)
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
#Galaxy RT @DigiRanma: @clarkgregg You sir have the best job on the planet right now. #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
The SHIELD lift? RT @Laura_Anne0890: I want @clarkgregg to make a Dirty Dancing reference because it would be perfection #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Art imitates Life, visa versa. RT@SHIELDRadio I’m wondering if May’s cover is actually Ming-Na Wen! @MingNa#AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
you will COMPLY! @willcat12@clarkgregg@MingNa@ChloeBennet4@Lil_Henstridge@nickdiscoblood
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Very kind! RT @jae2311: @simonkass and @nickdiscoblood have been two outstanding additions this season! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Talbot. Best. Mustache. Ever. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@nickdiscoblood is a cool customer. And we speak the same! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Burn!!! RT @AgentM: Talbot hittin’ the sauce hard because his moustache consumes 50% of the alcohol. #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Welcome to level 8 bae… RT @actuallyloki: @clarkgregg does your shirt HAVE to be unbuttoned ok i am way too distracted #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Undercover May…swoon. In a Hydra way – of course. @MingNa#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Hmmm…..where indeed….RT @SHIELDRadio: A bunch of men in nice suits, but no Bakshi? WHERE IS HE?! @simonkass#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
SMACK! @clarkgregg#boss@AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Off bathing in evil sauce… @simonkass@SHIELDRadio
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Lol! Oh yes….RT @clarkgregg: Off bathing in evil sauce… @simonkass@SHIELDRadio
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
That’s how we do it downtown RT @BigJoe113: @clarkgregg just walk up to guy say Yo then punch him out…awesome #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
@MingNa you do it best!!
— Elizabeth Henstridge (@Lil_Henstridge) October 15, 2014
Lol exactly ????RT @PaOfKalEL: i love how May’s laughing freaks everyone out lol @MingNa@clarkgregg@iambjbritt@ChloeBennet4#AgentsofSHIELD
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
I missed the dancing. Here with @simonkass@Mirallegro & @GeoffreyColo at the #AgentsofSHIELD studio stuffing my face pic.twitter.com/iwPJORi7Fv
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
I sure hope so!????RT @13d_riera: @iambjbritt yooo, any ass kicking today? Please
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
DVD extras . I mean, xxxtras @Meg_Milford33@MingNa
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
BOSS! Where ARE YOU! #hydra#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Break Two….Thoughts so far? I LOVE IT! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@mingna I order you to stop being so damn sexy! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Lol!! Good one???? #AgentsofSHIELD RT @itrusthedoctor: @iambjbritt how you feel from vampire to agent of shield? pic.twitter.com/BboOvcDAct
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
YOU rock! @carschmn@clarkgregg@MingNa@ChloeBennet4@Lil_Henstridge@nickdiscoblood
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Fitz. Even #Bakshi loves Fitz@RandomCentral01
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
No RT @fairyvamp76: @clarkgregg Is it a spoiler if I say I really dislike Talbot and his demon mustache of of infinite evil? #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
No promises….RT @Melaniexox: @simonkass Do not touch Fitzy! He’s a treasure!
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
I like trouble. It’s the evil sauce special ingredient. @RulerofPi
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
CUTE? haha RT@Tennischamp71@clarkgregg@MingNa you both look very cute together
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
It only gets better! Hold tight????RT @devincols58: @iambjbritt I’m loving the episode !!!!!! #AgentsofSHIELD
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
Tweets the man looking hot in a suit! RT@clarkgregg#AgentsofSHIELD Agent May I have my eyeballs back now? Wowza!
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
I love Quinoa. It’s evil – so #hydra no? #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
BOOOOOOOM #AgentsofSHIELD#bakshi
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Nice work! RT @afoley24: Love her in that #SilverDress!! RT @simonkass: @afoley24 That dress on @MingNa – wow. wow. wow. #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
OH IT IS ON!!!! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Hmmm maybe????RT @JuhRicardo: @iambjbritt I was laughing, but now i think that i have reasons to get worried, right? #AgentsofSHIELD
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
Those SFX! @MarkKolpack
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Really afraid Coulson’s going to make out with the wrong one #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
“@Beckpaulson: Good taze job @MayaStojan .She is kicking some butt tonight.”Excited to watch tonight’s Ep West Coast time!#AgentsofSHIELD ????
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
“@ellensg1: @MayaStojan Wow, I just saw you turn into @LucyLiu , how cool #AgentsofSHIELD” Ha!#AgentsofSHIELD
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
NO SPOILERS!!!! But loving your reactions!!! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
I may have to comply #AgentsofSHIELD@mingna RT @LaxMom0516: @clarkgregg She’s pretty hot .. If you overlook the brainwashing.
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Guys tonight’s episode was directed by the one and only @KTANCH give him love and affection please cause he’s fantastic.
— Chloe Bennet (@ChloeBennet4) October 15, 2014
LOVE that our director @Ktanch directed the HELL OUT of this episode!! #AgentsofSHIELD#kickass
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
“@Mockingbird_as: @MayaStojan could you be any cuter? Loving the action!”Thank you darling #AgentsofSHIELD
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
Hell yes! Trend #Philinda#AgentsofSHIELD tweeps!!
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
For. RealRT @BL_Dizzle: @clarkgregg The Fitz scenes are some of the best in #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Could not be deader RT @first_reality: This idiot tied May to a chair in her underwear. He is SOOO dead. #AgentsofSHIELD#superqueeros
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Evil. Evil. Evil. #Bakshi#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
DON’T FAINT! more action to come! RT@Vortmax First silver dress, now…Millions of @MingNa fanboys just fainted. #AgentsOfSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
What’s weird – I scare me too?!?! RT @GeoffreyColo: Sitting next to @simonkass makes me nervous as I watch this scene #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
You are too kind #Bakshi#blushing RT @SHIELDRadio: Guys, @simonkass‘s accent (and hotness) is a superpower….#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Thank you! RT @PhantasticGeek: Another great addition to season 2 of #AgentsofSHIELD is @simonkass. Cold, vicious, emotive. Great stuff!
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
We’re your special friends RT @RondaGMiller: #AgentsofSHIELD@clarkgregg@MingNa I haven’t looked forward to a show this much since Friends!
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
VERY nice of you to say RT @CJTheArchitect: @PhantasticGeek@simonkass reminds me of the great Bond villains.
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
OOSH! Go @clarkgregg ! BADBOY
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
I bow down to @MarkKolpack & the entire #AgentsofSHIELD VFX team!! Such a quick turnaround 2 do all this! #MAGIC BRAVO!! xx
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
REALLY glad he was right about that punch #agentsofSHIELD@MingNa
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Whoa!! Not ET too!!!????RT @Gettysburg7: @iambjbritt#AgentsofSHIELDpic.twitter.com/mBUTjWOWAi
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
Agree! 100% RT@SHIELDRadio: Seriously, @DrewZachary‘s writing is O.U.T.S.T.A.N.D.I.N.G.! #AgentsofSHIELD And @KTANCH‘s directing rocks!
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
This episode….just absolutely great. GREAT job @KTANCH GREAT job!
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Me 2! RT @MingNa: Agree! 100% RT@SHIELDRadio: @DrewZachary‘s writing is O.U.T.S.T.A.N.D.I.N.G.! #AgentsofSHIELD@KTANCH‘s directing rocks!
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Bad time central!RT @JustAFangrrrl: While @simonkass bakshi is hydra i did feel bad for him when @MingNa got her May on.
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
So our wonderful exec/writer/creator @MoTancharoen had her brother direct this episode. Talented family….
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
Best. Fighting. EVER! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Is that what I smelled, @simonkass ha RT@KeylaAlves_T Guys face when @MingNa went to attack him. He totally pooped a little bit right there
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
I’ve never been the same since ;)RT @GeoffreyColo: So @simonkass how many times did you have to take a fall for that scene? #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Can anyone spot @benjamindeery in this episode?? Major RT’s and love for anyone who can. It’s not easy…
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
Siiiiick Tanner and Matt rule!! RT @AgentM: That slow-mo end to the MayX2 fight is just the besssssst. #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
OUCH!! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
So far… RT @sherrimummey: This has to be most epic fight scene in a slip! @MingNa@clarkgregg@AgentsofSHIELD#AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Heart. Breaks. #Fitz. You TELL them @nickdiscoblood#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
#DeCasteFeels RT @AgentsofSHIELD: #FitzSimmons#AgentsofSHIELD ???????? pic.twitter.com/SvZk5BK76C
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Thank god @MingNa was able to fly her twin in to shoot that scene. Would’ve been a nightmare otherwise.
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
My face…..@MingNa I think I was the one pooping….#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
I meant #fitzhunter obvsAnyone?
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
These two…love them! @clarkgregg@MingNa#Philinda#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Thank you? Lol! RT @KeylaAlves_T: @simonkass great fight scene!! You are so evil #AOS
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
#funter ?
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
I know, right? RT @evoulie: "Cause I like kangaroos." #AgentsofSHIELD@clarkgregg
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
So did you, kid RT @KTANCH: @MingNa hell yeah!! You kicked some serious ass in this!
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
And they are RT @Hazel_nutt07: Remember when this show didn’t cause heart pains all over? Now it’s all #hardchoicesarecoming#AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Yes. Yes it will…..RT @AgentsofSHIELD: And compliance will be rewarded? #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Oh Raina, why must you be so naughty… #AgentsofSHIELD#RuthNegga#Rules
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Funter? Skunter? Munter?
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
“@carolynlawrence: @reeddiamond you look good for a German HYDRA soldier from the 40s. What’s your secret? Moisturizer? No caffeine?”Evil
— Reed Diamond (@reeddiamond) October 15, 2014
I won’t try merging Coulson and Hunter.
— Nick Blood (@nickdiscoblood) October 15, 2014
“@IHeartCoulson: Wow, that is horrifying. @reeddiamond#AgentsofSHIELD#FAILHYDRA”#hailhydra
— Reed Diamond (@reeddiamond) October 15, 2014
“@nickdiscoblood: I won’t try merging Coulson and Hunter.” Good idea
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
“@cwbourque: @PhantasticGeek@NuffSaidPodcast A proper villain that Whitehall is, if I do say. @reeddiamond#AgentsofSHIELD”Hail Hydra
— Reed Diamond (@reeddiamond) October 15, 2014
“@CullenButler: @reeddiamond u really r all over my tv!!! Is it ok that I love it?!??!?”Absolutely. Love is good.#hailhydra
— Reed Diamond (@reeddiamond) October 15, 2014
“@Shevolution: @heelJAY just forgot @reeddiamond is Mike Kellerman. FRIENDSHIP REVOKED”Well done.
— Reed Diamond (@reeddiamond) October 15, 2014
LOL! Outtakes already! RT@MoTancharoen@clarkgregg Get ready for some of this West Coast. #AgentsofSHIELD#Philindahttp://t.co/XFwr2SWKrM
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Deleted scene from tonight’s #AgentsofSHIELD http://t.co/gwkgkuWzEQhttp://t.co/ImzAvS2KKZ
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Ok, west coast! My TV’s set 2 watch #AgentsofSHIELD! 9pm #livetweet Will u skip baseball 4 next hr 4 me? ???? pic.twitter.com/DKav3q5lEc
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Give it up to @MoTancharoen@jedwhedon@KTANCH and the entire cast and crew for the AWESOME episode you’re about to watch! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Can’t promise that!RT @DavidPrush91: @simonkass Bakshi better be on his best behavior in tonight’s episode #wishfulthinking
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Lol! It’s all about the hair!RT @Twirl4meK: @AndyBehbakht@SHIELDRadio@simonkass And the hair. Can’t ignore the hair. #wavesfordays
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
On location today with no reception, sorry east coast. But I’m Live Tweeting in 2 minutes!
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
I am so ready to watch another Episode of #AgentsofSHIELD ! @DrewZachary I can’t wait to see your words being brought to life! #Agent33
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
Hello Miami!! @nickdiscoblood you mad dog you! @ChloeBennet4 go girl! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Great things – @ChloeBennet4 being a BOSS #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
GET ON TWITTER #henrysimmons! How awesome is he?!? #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
The name’s Coulson. Director Coulson. Level 007 #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
“@tyefurr: Ward is def the best character on AoS Who needs SHIELD when you have Hydra? Can I get a Hail Hydra? #StandWithWard” Hail yeah!
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
Lola might have some competition tonight! Sweet ride! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
May gets a Harley-Davidson. Skye gets a teal scooter. Not quite a badass yet…
— Chloe Bennet (@ChloeBennet4) October 15, 2014
@MingNa – Laughing. Yes. Yes. Yes. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Yep, my laugh…hahahaha…#AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
These two…#Philinda#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Mr and Mrs Martin…#AgentsofSHIELD@MingNa
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Hell yes!RT @DavidPrush91: @simonkass Are you a #Philinda shipper Simon? I would love you even more if you were #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@iambjbritt@Marvel Scary, really! RT@iambjbritt Always!????RT @Marvel: It’s gr8 to hear @MingNa’s laugh coming out of May. #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
DAMN @clarkgregg looks goooodddddd.
— Chloe Bennet (@ChloeBennet4) October 15, 2014
You are too kind my maybe alien daughter RT @ChloeBennet4: DAMN @clarkgregg looks goooodddddd.
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
End of Part One….I’m so excited for what’s coming your way it’s not right! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Thanks to you RT @afoley24: Hell yeah he does! RT @ChloeBennet4: DAMN @clarkgregg looks goooodddddd.
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Well, @TonyDovolani & #DWTS@DancingABC How did Coulson & May do with the dancing? Be gentle with the paddles! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Live tweeting earlier with @GeoffreyColo@dspilatro#AgentsofSHIELDpic.twitter.com/3Lh7bMimJd
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
To all our #Philinda fans, this one’s for you guys! @clarkgregg#AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
It’s #Philinda baby RT @JLokiRock08: We need a name for @clarkgregg‘s Coulson and @MingNa‘s May #CoulMay or #MayCoul? #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Mine too! And Twinkies?! Daaaaaaamn! RT @GeoffreyColo: @simonkass@dspilatro loved the posh recliners. It’s my weekly hangout.
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
How awesome are @MingNa & @clarkgregg right now!!???? #AgentsofSHIELD
— BJ Britt (@iambjbritt) October 15, 2014
Talbot….he seems rather more sinister tonight huh? #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@iambjbritt looking goooood in purple man! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
C’mon Fitz, join in… #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Flirty May?! Loving it!!! @MingNa#hot! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
@mingna bring giggles and espanol #DeepCover We’re modern
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Charles?!!!! A GREAT name! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Hahah @MingNa cracking me up right now! Killing it!
— Chloe Bennet (@ChloeBennet4) October 15, 2014
May is TALKING!!! & Flirting! WTH! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
That punch – daaaaaaamn @clarkgregg ! #AgentsofSHIELD#dontmess
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Thanks for liking the dress, @clarkgregg ! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
WHY is TALBOT talking to WHITEHALL?!?!? #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Thanks for making it soooo likable RT @MingNa: Thanks for liking the dress, @clarkgregg ! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Huge shout out to @afoley24 for THAT dress on @MingNa#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Maybe we’ll find out…RT @ladygelfling: "@simonkass: WHY is TALBOT talking to WHITEHALL?!?!? #AgentsofSHIELD" You tell me, Hydra?? ????
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
"They ran out of coconut shrimp" – awesome! @clarkgregg#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Fair enough RT @Breanna_A89: @clarkgregg I guess nobody puts May-by in a corner? Lol #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
She May or May Not be about to kick some ass right now #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
I said it earlier. Love Quinoa. It’s evil. Like Hydra. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
BOOOOOOOOM!!! #Bakshi#AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Sorry @MingNa I just had to! #Agent33#AgentsofSHIELD#DontForgetIWasBrainwashed#MayaLovesMingNa
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
Haha! RT @GeoffreyColo: So much just happened I need an instant replay #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
BITCH!!!! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Love being on your team @simonkass though you do scare me a wee bit #AgentsofSHIELD#Agent33
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
Oh yes….I have been! RT @Marvel: Hey, it turns out @simonkass has been here the whole time! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
You know I’m a sweetie! RT @MayaStojan: Love being on your team @simonkass though you do scare me a wee bit #AgentsofSHIELD#Agent33
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Now that’s what I call putting your best face forward #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
I am. You wait…RT @JLMadridFederer: @simonkass You cold…. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
HolySHIT!!! Sorry for cussing! But just saw the VFX tonight! @MarkKolpack & team!! Frakking OUTSTANDING "TRANSFER"-MATION!!! WOW!! #AoS
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Wow those special effects were AMAZING #AgentsofSHIELD@MingNa I love being in your shoes #Agent33
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
@MayaStojan You are awesome in this episode!!!
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
So GREAT right?!RT @handbanana80: @Marvel@simonkass twists and twists
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
I absolutely adored working w/ @MingNa !She’s so badass&the nicest person to be around!Did I mention she’s also smoking hot #AgentsofSHIELD
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
Baby got Bakshi #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
Bretttttt!!!! RT @IMBrettDalton: Baby got Bakshi #AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
I really feel we have some electrical charge happening between us, @simonkass haha #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
She will complyRT @JLMadridFederer: @simonkass Don’t mess with May. #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Yo Bakshi, that is the last woman you want to tie up. For that reason. @simonkass#AgentsofSHIELD@MingNa
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
Lol! That’s a way to put it! RT @MingNa: I really feel we have some electrical charge happening between us, @simonkass haha #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
She won’t comply!RT @clarkgregg: Yo Bakshi, that is the last woman you want to tie up. For that reason. @simonkass#AgentsofSHIELD@MingNa
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Mistakes on the Plane #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
@clarkgregg May hates coffee! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
“@Laryhbraga: @MingNa@clarkgregg Marvel’s Agents Of SHIELD presents… LoL pic.twitter.com/xFuf6wyVFU”Now you’re talking my language
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Thank you all around! RT @ColonelWoytuck: I don’t know what’s hotter @simonkass vs @MingNa or @clarkgregg vs @MayaStojan lol
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
There’s so much ass whooping on the tv right now! RT @Lil_Henstridge: @clarkgregg@simonkass@MingNa well this just got personal
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Did Coulson just….WAIT….and then May HULKING OUT!! #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Tell ME ABT IT RT @GeoffreyColo: .@clarkgregg@simonkass@MingNa nothing like a woman scorned, but #May scorned is a whole other category.
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
This is just Mayhem #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
I ran. I RAN! Wouldn’t you?! @MingNa was after me! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
When did Iron Chef get so violent? #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
I was iced….RT @simonkass: I ran. I RAN! Wouldn’t you?! @MingNa was after me! #AgentsofSHIELD
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
OMG, adorable UK men mashup w/ girl on girl fight! What a combo! @nickdiscoblood#Fitz
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
Jiggle your way out, girl. #byanymeansnecessary@mingna#AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
I was iced….RT @ColonelWoytuck: @clarkgregg as hot as that was, you shooting @simonkass made me a little sad.
— simon kassianides (@simonkass) October 15, 2014
Oh May you’re such a cut-up #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
Holy wow that fight scene is intense #bestfightsceneever#AgentsofSHIELD#MayVsAgent33
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
“@cherylhe: @MayaStojan That was amazing! But I’m not counting Agent33 out, she can be unbrainwashed !!”You just never know #AgentsofSHIELD
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
I heard @clarkgregg was getting new headshots but this is a little much #AgentsofSHIELD
— Brett Dalton (@IMBrettDalton) October 15, 2014
Best fight ever @mingna#tannergill#MattMullins#FailHydra#AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
It’s a lot to trust someone to pull your plug #AgentsofSHIELD@MingNa
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
AMAZING/MIND-BLOWING Ep tonight #AgentsofSHIELD Congratulations @KTANCH and @DrewZachary and cast&crew! Thank you for having me #Agent33 ????
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
“@AgentsofSHIELD: The countdown to next Tuesday is on! #AgentsofSHIELDpic.twitter.com/VtvMavW38r”:)
— Reed Diamond (@reeddiamond) October 15, 2014
I assume she’s wearing flowered undies #raina#AgentsofSHIELD
— Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) October 15, 2014
“@DrewZachary: @MayaStojan Thank you for doing such good work and making it so much fun!”????
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
Thanks, boss! Gotta give props 2 @SamWJo too! : ) RT@clarkgregg Best fight ever @mingna#tannergill#MattMullins#FailHydra#AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
“@Joe_Petrisko: @MayaStojan First thing I thought of… pic.twitter.com/pltYhsEHzN”Lol thx but it didn’t quite happen that way #AgentsofSHIELD ????
— Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) October 15, 2014
@KTANCH@LuLeao_@MarvelAgents We have the smartest & most observant fans! Incredible episode, Kevin!!! Let’s do it again! : )
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014
It’s the new EYEPhone lol RT@MrSteveChen@clarkgregg That iPhone Coulson was using…it literally had a retina display. #AgentsofSHIELD
— Ming-Na Wen (@MingNa) October 15, 2014